
Why are babies the first Gagaists?

There is one should understand. Gagaism doesn’t start at a moment in life. Gagaism IS. That’s it. Why?

We are all born “knowing”. We know Lady Gaga. We know who she is and what she brings to our lives. From birth there is evidence that she exists, babies say "gaga". If parents do not raise their children to follow Lady Gaga's beliefs, the child will not continue "knowing". Lady Gaga's duality is shown from Mama + Papa = Gaga, meaning she is both a mother and father. When people first hear her songs, they feel overwhelmed, which helps get them involved in the religion. People have a feeling that it is simply instinct to follow her.

This is why babies are the first and best Gagaist!

Follow me on Twitter @the_gagaist and let’s share what we all KNOW!

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